
2022年5月15日 星期日



類固醇戒斷反應逐漸被正視,台灣衛服部已於 2022 年 6 月 1 日發函台灣皮膚科醫學會,主旨闡釋局部皮質類固醇藥膏可能導致類固醇戒斷,詳情請見這裡

而類固醇戒斷在英國的情況,英國國民保健署、英國皮膚科醫學會主席的看法,和當地類固醇戒斷患者的心路歷程,可見此篇 BBC 新聞報導。




其中一位現年 31 歲的類固醇戒斷患者 Aramidé Onashoga,她在大學時因為濕疹而開始外用類固醇,但她發現一旦停用類固醇,皮膚就會腫脹、流湯流水,脫皮,脆弱不堪,反覆感染,患者自訴就像皮膚最外面的那層消失了一樣。

另一位患者 Bethany Jones,則自小就因為濕疹,這幾十年一直斷續使用外用類固醇,直到在一年前,因為類固醇藥膏不再有效了才停用。

至今她已經停用類固醇達 14 個月,但她描述自己目前的皮膚,絕大部分看起來都還像是燒燙傷般脆弱,紅腫、脫屑,只要稍加拉扯,皮膚就會裂開,她因此長達半年,無法踏出家門。


英國皮膚科醫學會主席 Dr. George Moncrieff 則表示受苦於類固醇戒斷的患者,事實上遠比目前已經確診的來得多,他認為約有十分之一的患者會在停用類固醇之後出現戒斷的不適,因此皮膚科醫師該對類固醇的使用更加謹慎,並對因類固醇戒斷而受苦的患者多些同情心。













Aramidé Onashoga and Bethany Jones are urging others to be aware of risks of steroid cream withdrawal.

Two women who had extreme withdrawal reactions after using steroid creams to treat skin conditions are speaking out to warn others of the risks.

Aramidé Onashoga and Bethany Jones, from Kent, are still continuing their recovery, years after stopping topical corticosteroids.

They had Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW), and experienced skin shedding, splitting and infections.

The chair of the Dermatology Council said TSW is under-diagnosed.

Aramidé Onashoga experienced swelling, skin shedding and infections.

Miss Onashoga, from Chatham, initially started using the cream at university, after comments were made about her eczema.

But when she came off the treatment, parts of her body swelled.

"It was like the top layer of my skin wasn't there. My skin would leak a lot of fluid and I would get repetitive infections," the 31-year-old said.

Bethany Jones, from Tunbridge Wells, used the cream on and off since she was a young child to treat her eczema.

She was prescribed it until 2020, but she came off it after it stopped being effective.

Bethany Jones photographed her physical reactions from coming off the steroid creams over 14 months.

She said:"I looked like I was burnt over about 95% of my body.

"My skin was shedding, it was oozing and splitting. I'd move and my skin would tear."

She was unable to leave the house for six months, she said.

According to the NHS, topical corticosteroids are an effective treatment for skin disorders, but withdrawals can "sometimes" be severe.

Dr. George Moncrieff said the profession should sympathise with TSW sufferers.

Dr. George Moncrieff, of the Dermatology Council, said TSW could affect as many as one in 10 patients.

He said:"The profession does need to alert itself to this condition.

"The only thing that seems to calm it down is putting more steroid on, but that makes it even worse in the longer term, so it's a vicious cycle.

"They can go cold turkey, but it can last many months and be pretty horrible."

Bethany Jones said her skin would rip and tear, and then began to peel away.

Both women are now managing their conditions holistically.

Miss Onashoga said:"The first point of treatment should be allergy testing to know and understand our triggers."

Miss Jones now avoids alcohol, gluten, certain deodorants and washing powders to avoid flare ups. She uses emollients, takes supplements and has a water filter on her shower.

She added:"I would much rather have lived with my eczema symptoms for a lifetime than gone through this."