
2018年11月19日 星期一

Helpful advice on how to prepare for a visit to the Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor

Author Dr. Yuchia Huang

Seeing a Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor is quite different from seeing a Western medicine doctor. Here, as a TCM doctor, I want to share some advice on how you can prepare for a visit to the TCM doctor.

TCM doctors treat diseases based on a totally different perspective from Western medicine doctors. TCM doctors need to gain information that needs to be clarified by the patients.

What you might think is irrelevant can be a super important hint for TCM doctors in finding our patients' real health issues.

Please prepare and observe in advance.

Since TCM doctors ask several questions which need to be based on their patients' self observation, and it is better for you to prepare and observe in advance in case you can't spontaneously answer.

This is important because if you say something incorrect, you might mislead your TCM doctors and delay your recovery as your first visit will become the standard by which your doctors will view your progress. 

Below, I will list several questions that your TCM doctors might ask during your appointment.

Chief complaints and other information

The reason that brings you to see a TCM doctor is called your chief complaint. Please describe the details of this discomfort, for example, duration, frequency and the aggravating and relieving factors, if possible.

TCM doctors might also need other information about your daily life routine.

  1. Whether you tend to wear more or less clothes compared to your peer group.
  2. How much you usually sweat(for e.g. a lot or hardly at all)?
  3. Do you have headaches or dizziness in your daily life? If so, please describe the details.
  4. How is your digestion system? Do you go to the bathroom regularly? How is the shape, texture, and smell of your stool?
  5. How is your appetite?
  6. Do you have any chest or abdominal discomfort? Such as tight chest? Belly pain? Cramping? Bloating?
  7. Do you have tinnitus? If so, please describe the details.
  8. Do you feel thirsty very often? How about your frequency and quantity of drinking water?
  9. Do you prefer cold or hot drinks?
  10. Please describe the details of your menstrual cycle, such as your last menstrual period, regularity, length and any discomfort.

I will also need to know your past medical history. If the discomfort happened before, what was your last treatment?Did it work?

If you have visited a Western medicine doctor, what is your diagnosis?

Before your appointment

If your chief complaint is skin-related, please don't apply any lotion or cosmetics on the affected area at least 3 hours before you see a TCM doctor.

Also, please do not eat or drink anything which might stain your tongue, because tongue diagnosis plays an important role in TCM differential diagnosis.

We need to work together!

Seeing a TCM doctor is indeed quite different from seeing a Western medicine doctor. I really do need my patients to prepare all the required information, then I can make the most suitable prescription.

Your health is not just your TCM doctor's job, we need to work together to fasten your recovery!